Shetland Sheep <3

For anyone who has read my blog for a *very* long time, you may remember that back when I used to spin (pre-kids) I adored spinning with Shetland Combed Top. I have loads of it in my closet (if the moths don’t find it that is). I adore Shetland sheep, I also have a Shetland sheepdog. I’ve never actually met one of these sheep in person though, and I always imagined I would like them. I went to a petting zoo a little while ago, and they had some sheep. They bleated very loudly and often, they were sweet but didn’t win me over.

So the other day we went with the grandparents to another very nice petting zoo that featured all small animals. Miniature Jersey Cows, Miniature Alpaca’s and the tiniest goats I’ve ever seen. We had almost left when we found another section to the farm and there was an adorable little set of Shetland sheep of various ages.

They were so incredibly sweet and docile, I fell totally in love. The dream of all knitters is of course to have a farm with sheep. I share this dream. I am planning to go back to this petting zoo at some point just to sit and snuggle with these adorable sheep.

Want to see a wee baby Shetland Sheep? Momma sheep was a little leery of all the visitors but I got a shot of the cute baby.

I’ve been working on getting all ramped up for the Summer issue of Petite Purls. I’ll be doing all the photography and I am very excited! Lots to keep working on with the book, and LG starts daycare tomorrow so I can get more work done, 3 days a week just for a few months this summer, crossing my fingers she will enjoy it.

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