Paper Owls – Cloth Owls

When Flax & Twin came out with this adorable owl tutorial, I was ALL over it. I KNOW I KNOW the owl thing has been going on for like 5 years now, but man I can’t get enough. LG has an owl obsession and we collect the cutest ones we come across. When I saw the tutorial I thought “I can be lazy and just use decorative card stock, and hang them as a banner across her curtains in her room!”. I have a lot of owls to make to get there, probably 12. I made two initialy to test the theory.

I found that it all works perfectly, but would do better if it had the paper-board backing, because the little ball head thingies don’t really stay in place because there is not a very thick space for it to cling too on the back. But it’s fine and you can totally get away with it. LG promptly destroyed the blue one (cry!) but I wanted to give both girls a chance to play with them because really, I made them for their enjoyment. The pink one is also a favorite, with the sparkly wings and pale blue eyes.  ♥

I got all of my supplies from Joann’s. Your best bet being the large bag of assorted sequins (lots of wonderful colors, more then in the individual smaller bags) and a large bag of assorted white buttons, this will make your $$ go a bit further. Then I found for the ball head thingies they had some special ones that came in clear and pink crystal, WAY too fun to miss out on though bring the price up a bit on creating these little sweeties. I found it most certainly worth it, and they were sold out of the size and color I wanted anyway. I had to buy the card stock because I didn’t have any in the colors I wanted, they had the thicker papers mixed in with the thinner ones so it took more time then I wanted to pick out what would work. I wound up getting a “book”  of card stock that I found in the baby section with ginghams and polka dots which I used for the two above excluding the sparkle paper.

Today I made a second one with a fancy flower paper I had picked out and some textured orange paper with a kind of linen/canvas feel to it.

There will be lots more to come, and I want each one to be unique! I would also love to make a few fabric ones as well, eventually, and I have enough fabric in my stash to keep me in owls for a while! I want to see about getting some pretty letter stickers from Joann’s, and maybe make some solid colored tummies for the owls and spell out something in the banner… would be super cute. I also think this is going to be a MUST for her 3rd birthday invitations if she’s still into owls next year!

1 Comment

  1. […] this cute paper & fabric owl diy and Pixie Purls‘ version of it :: Elise‘s honesty, bravery and attitude :: searching for a new holiday wreath project, […]

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