Your local knitting store shop-girl

I had gone into a new knitting shop in town to knit over the holidays and I let them know I had a book and asked if they would be interested in carrying it at their store. Randomly sometime later the owner called and asked me if I would be interested in working in her shop a few days a week. This sounded delightful so I took her up on it, it’s only 3 hours at a time because of the kids schedule but its so nice to be around knitters more often. I also have begun teaching classes on Sundays which is delightful.

You gain an un-parraleleed amount of experience by helping others fix their knitting mistakes or by helping them read random patterns. In the last two weeks a lone I have learned a great deal about what gives knitters trouble. It’s an excellent education in how to improve pattern writing. If knitting-pattern-design was a college program, this would be a required course! I hope I am getting better at helping people, it’s a certain amount of pressure when you know how much time someone has taken to knit something.

This week we had a knitter come in who had been doing k2tog as well, not a k2tog and she was quiet delightful in that she very quickly wanted to rip the entire cowl she was almost done knitting. She was very happy to learn the right way and set right off to try again. I loved how she took it all in stride and was happy to get started again. EZ would be proud, I am sure. I’ll post updates about more fun adventures at the yarn shop! I also get to open boxes when new yarn comes in, and that is just about the best thing ever.

Knitting in progress

I’m currently working up Vitamin D in “Breathless” so that I’ll have my own shop sample to wear while I am at work. Gorgeous pattern with some downright crazy math, glad I didn’t have to write that pattern, mad kudos to the author!

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